Basic electrical theory

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Theory, an excellent foundation for building successful field experience

Theory, an excellent foundation for building successful field experience

Electricians who do only residential new construction work (repetition) may do excellent work but may be over-whelmed when faced with complex troubleshooting and repair electrical work (analysis). The lack of a firm understanding of electrical theory can seriously contribute to why. :confused:
On the other hand, electricians who seriously focus on perfoming residential and/or commercial troubleshooting and repair work may not have done any new construction wiring for many years; having to research the respective parts of the Code prior to doing so. We need BOTH types of experienced electricians. :D
I received electrical theory training in high school vocational class, college, FAA maintenance training, the Navy nuclear power training, and at DOE nuclear power plant training courses. It's true that not having a sound theory understanding doesn't keep you from repetitively hooking up wires in a new construction work environment, but when you're doing corrective maintenance work on circuits that are defective and/or miss-wired, theoretical knowledge often is key to figuring out how to logically approach the situation, what to test, and how to keep from spending wasted hours running around in circles. Military training, at least back in the 70's and especially in the Navy nuclear field, was very comprehensive and serves as an excellent foundation on which to build years of actual field experience. Field experience alone, or with very little theoretical knowledge, can leave the electrician up a muddy creek without a paddle when he/she is faced with a complex troubleshooting and repair problem. :)
I agree tmdicken.
From what I have seen you don't need to know basic electricity to be an electrician. Because I see so many who are in the trade do not know it.
But without it you are limited with what you can do especially in trouble shooting. I guess you could also ask what does "electrician" mean, or master electrician for that matter.
Well, I only got a 96. I missed the two questions about Coulomb. What's in a name? :cool:

I think a good basic understanding of theory is very important. Knowing how electricity works helps to choose the best way to improvise, which we have to do sometimes.

I got a 86. You da man Larry!
Basic electrical theory is it based on DC current?

Basic electrical theory is it based on DC current?

Or AC current? Or does it matter?
Electricians - Theory or Application

Electricians - Theory or Application

Electricians who do only residential new construction work (repetition) may do excellent work but may be over-whelmed when faced with complex troubleshooting and repair electrical work (analysis). The lack of a firm understanding of electrical theory can seriously contribute to why. :confused:
On the other hand, electricians who seriously focus on perfoming residential and/or commercial troubleshooting and repair work may not have done any new construction wiring for many years; having to research the respective parts of the Code prior to doing so. We need BOTH types of experienced electricians. :D
I received electrical theory training in high school vocational class, college, FAA maintenance training, the Navy nuclear power training, and at DOE nuclear power plant training courses. It's true that not having a sound theory understanding doesn't keep you from repetitively hooking up wires in a new construction work environment, but when you're doing corrective maintenance work on circuits that are defective and/or miss-wired, theoretical knowledge often is key to figuring out how to logically approach the situation, what to test, and how to keep from spending wasted hours running around in circles. Military training, at least back in the 70's and especially in the Navy nuclear field, was very comprehensive and serves as an excellent foundation on which to build years of actual field experience. Field experience alone, or with very little theoretical knowledge, can leave the electrician up a muddy creek without a paddle when he/she is faced with a complex troubleshooting and repair problem. :)

I agree with tmdicken,

If you are limited in theory experience, you may struggle with trouble-shooting. But if you are theory knowledge based, you may be a better trouble-shooter.

I got a 90. (Missed the "charge attraction" questions). Most of the questions were about molecule and atomic knowledge, or Ohm's Law.

I am very fortunate to have had extensive AC/DC theory in Jr. High, Sr. High, Vocational Training, and Community College. I have never SEEN electricity, but I guess I know how it is supposed to work.

I have observed, that electricians that have AC/DC theory knowledge, can move on to extensive trouble-shooting, design, and control applications. facility.

There are very GOOD, QUALIFIED, and PROFESSIONAL electricians that are extremely adept at making electrical installations based on their training, and experience alone, without "real" knowledge of "electron theory". I regard them very highly as SKILLED TRADESMEN (CRAFTSMEN), who I would endorse to wire the industrial, commercial facilities, and even my home residence. I did NOT wire my own home during construction, as I am NOT knowledgeable about residential NEC codes.
There is place in the business for both types of electricians.
Thanks for the link Zog.
I personally enjoyed electrical theory class. I think it also helped that we had a fantastic teacher that really understood how to make it more interesting. I like understanding how things work. But hey thats just me.
Theory is fun

Theory is fun

I read this from "In any electrical circuit, all the voltage will always be used up". So if you have any type load on a circuit, it will always use up all the voltage? :-? Can someone explain this please? Thank you.
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100120-1440 EST

The sum of the voltages around a closed path is zero. The sum of the currents at a node is zero.

Consider a battery with a single resistive load. You need to keep the polarity is mind. Suppose the Voltage from BAT-1 to BAT-2 (the two terminals) is 1.5 V and the voltage is written as VB12 = +1.5 V. Let the load voltage be labeled VL12 and also it is +1.5 V. If you relabel the load as VL21 then VL21 = -1.5 V.

Going the same direction around the loop VB12 + VL21 = 1.5 - 1.5 = 0.

Does this make sense or did I confuse the issue.


Since I started in this line of work theory has been a huge help--both when troubleshooting and designing in house equipment. Since the Navy I have done it all from resi to heavy industrial--maint, design and repair and instructing and now inspection--best class I ever had was BEE then A school

I found that teaching theory in the field to new and old timers helped alot--especially when I was lying to the boss:grin::roll: to get what I wanted and he didn't have a clue!! Just toss some big words like, "reactive capacitance" and watch the eyes glaze over!

BEE 1978 EM"A" 79 part of Nuke school and 400 Hz MG repair
100120-1440 EST

The sum of the voltages around a closed path is zero. The sum of the currents at a node is zero.

Consider a battery with a single resistive load. You need to keep the polarity is mind. Suppose the Voltage from BAT-1 to BAT-2 (the two terminals) is 1.5 V and the voltage is written as VB12 = +1.5 V. Let the load voltage be labeled VL12 and also it is +1.5 V. If you relabel the load as VL21 then VL21 = -1.5 V.

Going the same direction around the loop VB12 + VL21 = 1.5 - 1.5 = 0.

Does this make sense or did I confuse the issue.



So just as a example, you have christmas lights in series. 12v source. each bulb uses 1.5 v. you have 6 bulbs total. Isn't there 3volts left over? I never took any classes on theory. I need to. I always liked troubleshooting.
"In any electrical circuit, all the voltage will always be used up".
Can someone explain this please?
To simplify Zoig's explanation, the voltages dropped across the parts of a circuit (all of them: circuit voltage drop, load voltage, ect.) will equal the supply voltage. It's really much less profound than it sounds.

So just as a example, you have christmas lights in series. 12v source. each bulb uses 1.5 v. you have 6 bulbs total. Isn't there 3volts left over?
No. Presuming equal bulb characteristics, the voltage will be distributed among the loads equally. In your example, each bulb will receive (12/6) 2 volts, not it's rated voltage.

Each bulb may be rated for 1.5v, but, just as with a single load, the current, and thus (due to Ohm's Law) the power, will depend on the supply voltage and the load impedance.

In your example, the 1.5v bulbs, supplied with 2v, will see approx. (2/1.5) 1-1/3 its expected current, and (due to "Watt's Law") will produce approx. (1-1/3 x 1/-1/3) 1-3/4 its design power.

Added: One bulb will likely burn out, breaking the series circuit and extinguishing all bulbs.
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