Bath Fan Replacement

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I was right in the middle of it. But I still left.
Oh , I was going to mention to the OP if you don't have a large commercial shop vac. Now would be a good time to get one.
Esspecially if they have blown in insulation.
Thanks for all the replies:)......there are three fans that need replacement in this house. Due to the age of the existing fans, parts are no longer available (I've checked) and the HO wants to go Energy Star low sone fans. My plan is to remove one of the existing housings, assess the available working space, duct size and hopefully can find a Panasonic Whisper Quiet fan that will work with what I have. After I get the first one in, the other two should be a lot easier, hopefully:grin:. And I'll make sure nobody is home when I tackle this to avoid some of the residual problems addressed by some of you! I did order one of those Fein Tools just in case and besides.....I'm always looking for ways to justify buying a new tool and this fits the bill. Now if this all comes together without any oops or oh oh's, I'll be very relieved.
I bet the old fans have 3" duct and the new ones would need 4" esp. if they are energy star. Just a guess so I may be wrong.

Just remember I may not always be right but I'll never be wrong.
I bet the old fans have 3" duct and the new ones would need 4" esp. if they are energy star. Just a guess so I may be wrong.

Just remember I may not always be right but I'll never be wrong.
They have a Panasonic that works great with 3 or 4 inch duct. I use it all the time. The great thing--it has a 5-5/8 depth--just in case you have a shallow space.

Panasonic model numbers (These come with a 3" adapter):
FV-05VF2 50CFM
FV-08VF2 80CFM
FV-11VF2 100CFM
If you install the duct correctly, the sound quality is outstanding!!!!
Ok....replaced three old fans without getting into the attic. It worked out better than I thought it would with only minimal patching required mainly due to the size of the old fan housing vs the new ones. The biggest pain was dealing with the existing sheetmetal duct work. Had to shorten it and add a piece of flex on to it to make the connection.
Or you can call these guys - if they don't have parts for the fan you need - they don't exist.... I get a lot of old fans and heaters to repair here and there - they are the old parts guru's.

True enough. But I've found that it's critical to catch them when they're in a good mood. Wes is always helpful, though.
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