Bath Gfi location

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Re: Bath Gfi location

Originally posted by jimwalker:
As to the problem ,you are as much to blame as the customer is.There needed to be a print to scale for you to do this job.
Jim are you for real? You only do jobs with scaled prints? Yeah right. :roll:
The GC gave him a location. The location was not a good one. If the gc wants it changed the gc pays.
Re: Bath Gfi location

Seems anymore that being an electrician requires skills in english
and I agree, but this doesn't stop here.

Reading a writing skills are paramount in todays world IMO .

This is one reason education is so important.

It's sad when we hire young people who can barely read, write, and can not do simple math in their heads.

Re: Bath Gfi location

One thing i have found in residential is that the customer very often on the rough can not pin point a location on a rough to within even a foot but comes final they get it down to 1/16 of an inch.
Just finished one of them kind of homes.On rough she was not sure if she wanted only 1 fixture or 2 in the kids bath 2 sinks vanity. I suggested i leave the wire with enough slack behind the drywall.So far sounds great.Comes trim time they still have no vanity top.GC says no problem just line them up with the plumbers drain.And that worked out too untill the plumber got redtagged.Seems there is a code that says they must be at least 15 inches center from the wall.Guess what ,they were only 12,made them tear out the exspinsive top and redo.Now the problem ,my lights are nolonger centered,Try moving your cut in box 3 inches and leave no hole showing.I did it but it was a pain.
Re: Bath Gfi location

I guess the point is, make a big stink. Get something in writing, and if you can't, make the stink big enough that it can still be smelled on the trim.

I have the good fortune to work with cabinet layouts, so I have dimensions in inches when I rough my tract homes. I still stub out instead of installing a box on the rough, to accomodate some change.

Always make a stink. :)
Re: Bath Gfi location

Well, I had the inspector taken a look at this problem. He stopped by the house to inspect the new service and I mentioned to him the problem. He said it was alright as far the plumber do not install a big faucet that could be in the way of the GFI. Thank you guys for all your references.
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