Bathroom branch circuit

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New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: Bathroom branch circuit

I just read the commentary. It is not saying that you are limited, in one bathroom and on the same circuit, to having one receptacle, one light, and one fan. That was just an example that it used. It could also have said that you can install, in one bathroom and on the same circuit, six receptacles, three lights, and two fans. Its author probably thought that one example was enough to make the point.

I agree, but I found the use of the words receptacle outlets vs. the use of the words required receptacle outlet to be a little confusing. This is in paragraph #3 of the commentary.

[ May 11, 2005, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: infinity ]


Senior Member
Re: Bathroom branch circuit

Do not most lead men draw the circuits as they wish them to be run.I do an as built and exspect it to be wired that way or tell me you need to change it for whatever reason.If your telling the man to go wire that end of the house and offer no information then accept what ever he gives you as long as it meets code


Senior Member
Re: Bathroom branch circuit

kev what did your leadman have to say after you gave him this information. where is his major hang up with what you did

john m. caloggero

Senior Member
Re: Bathroom branch circuit

Where the 20A branch circuit supplies more than one bathroom, it is permitted to supply multiple receptacle outlets in both bathroom, however, this circuit cannot supply lighting or fans in either bathroom. Where ONLY one bathroom is supplied by the 20A branch circuit, the circuit is allowed to supply multiple receptacle outlets, exhaust fan, and lighting ONLY within the one bathroom.


Master Electrician Electric Contractor Richmond VA
Henrico County, VA
Electrical Contractor
Re: Bathroom branch circuit

Originally posted by southernboys:
yet another whats the problem? to me that meets code I have one additional question if I hit the switch with 12-2 made a joint on the hot went to the gfi and ran a 12-2 to my light fixture would this also be ok
Yes, as long as the fixture's neutral does not pass through the GFCI receptacle; in other words, pigtail the neutral to the receptacle.


Senior Member
Louisville, KY
Re: Bathroom branch circuit

The only thing my lead guy was on me about was putting the lighting for this bathroom on the 20 amp circuit that supplied the bathroom. But after showing him this information and talking to some inspectors he told me himself that he has a hard time interpreting the code sometimes. So I guess that was pretty close to an apology. But I wasn't looking for an apology I just want to do the job right and be a good electrician.

Thanks everyone for the help.

william runkle

Senior Member
Re: Bathroom branch circuit

Kevin maybe you should look for a different employer, first you wired what you felt right at that time, you didn't stand around. That lead person should calm down should help you out since it is his job to look good not you. There is no such a thing as a mistake as long as you learn from it.
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