bathroom heat/vent in fire rated ceiling?

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Do you really think that you can cut lots of new holes nils wily in a fire separation without mitigation?

Rest easy, I can assure you that is not what he thinks.

About mgookin


1980's - engineering dept at Westinghouse Elec (defense systems)

1990 - 2008 inspector, plans examiner, building official.

2010 - Pres., GPS LightLock/ Applied Physics Laboratories (Ft Myers, FL)
Rest easy, I can assure you that is not what he thinks.
My apology.
Don't you guys have to treat a ceiling separating units above as a fire rated in your state?

How would a model number change things unless it is rated?

heck some of these newer multi story projects every wall or ceiling is 1 hour or more. All holes are fire caulked. Panels are boxed in. Putty pads ..........
Do you really think that you can cut lots of new holes nils wily in a fire separation without mitigation?
Thanks for your input.

Is it going to exhaust to an exterior wall in the same room? How far from that wall are you? Is your duct run parallel or perpendicular to the joists? There's no fan there now, right?
My apology.
Don't you guys have to treat a ceiling separating units above as a fire rated in your state?..........

Yes we do. And we do lots of them.


How would a model number change things unless it is rated?

heck some of these newer multi story projects every wall or ceiling is 1 hour or more. All holes are fire caulked. Panels are boxed in. Putty pads ..........

To see what you're working with, what the outlet size is, etc.

I'm all about fire protection. I've done lots of it. Just thought I would help if I could. That's kind of what this forum is about.
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