bathtub outlet

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Well as I said I could be mistaken but my memory is usually pretty good on stuff like this. :)

I seem to recall discussions where a rule for mobile home bathrooms was different than for stick built homes for no apparent reason.

I went looking in 550 as well and found nothing.
Well, you do not have to worry about the prohibition on service disconnects in residential bathrooms, since in a mobile home the disconnect has to be outside and separate from the structure. :)
Interesting part of Article 550 is section 550.14(D)

The mobile home does not seem to have the restrictions of art. 410.10(D). Now apparently Chapter 4 is the general rule that can be amended or changed by other articles. In this case it seems that section 550.14(D) override 410.10(D) but I am not sure that was the intent. If that were the case then I can install a chandelier over a tub in a mobile home but not in a standard home...:thumbsdown:

Anyone want to offer feedback on this :jawdrop:
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