bending PVC

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Heat blanket or bottled gas, U might plug the ends, it hold in the heat better, have some large wet rags ready to set it! Plugged ends does make it go faster.
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I've done a few bends using the gloved hand method and used a piece of solid wire as protractor. It can easily turn into a kink. I've heard that plumbers sometimes use sand in copper pipes to keep the internal diameter in tact...
My experience has been that if it's kinking, it's not hot enough yet. I usually take a small jug of water with me too so I don't have to babysit it. My biggest problem is finding a flat surface to lay it on. It's way to easy to dogleg it otherwise.
I've done a few bends using the gloved hand method and used a piece of solid wire as protractor. It can easily turn into a kink. I've heard that plumbers sometimes use sand in copper pipes to keep the internal diameter in tact...

Well you didn't say you wanted to cast one! I never seen plumbers worry about theirs pipes so much... :grin:
What are some good methods for bending 2" or 3" PVC once it's been heated? I have no shoes or spindles

Well i can say ive bent a few sticks of pvc i know what size your talking about but we use electric heaters and the old cannon oil bath heaters .

Heres one trick i came up with years ago we use a vacuum shop vac !

2 inch to 4 inch pvc duct tape one end take a coupling of that size conduit duct taped to the blow end of the vacuum hose you need to tape it tight .

Hold tight one man on blow end and one man on other end of pvc conduit you do this after its ready to bend pull it out and this pressure will bend a factory 90 deg everytime with no kinks from 2 inch to 3 inch now 4 inch will be a little bit larger than a factory 90 we kinda do this everyday its a time saver when you dont have a factory elbow in the bone yard .

WE make jigs for offsets and bends we bend all conduit on a level flat and clean surface only and we use rags and a 5 gallon bucket of water .

We ware gloves and its lots of fun we time our heat and rotate conduit in box heaters .
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