Best anchors for conduit trapeze hanger on concrete

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Wedge anchors

I try to get them in before the pour. Drill the Q deck and drop rods down.
Drop in anchors mostly.
Make sure you have the right bit for the Hiltis
I use these nVent Caddy 4TIB Rod & Wire Angle Bracket, For 1/4" Threaded Rod, Steel after the pour if I cant get in before. They are quick and easy and rated 100lbs
Question on the anchors in the picture. Do they come with the rod coupling? The sleeve anchors I have seen the threaded stud is smaller than the drilled hole=3/8" hole 5/16" threaded and 1/2" hole 3/8" threaded or do they use Increaser/reducer rod couplings?
Question on the anchors in the picture. Do they come with the rod coupling? The sleeve anchors I have seen the threaded stud is smaller than the drilled hole=3/8" hole 5/16" threaded and 1/2" hole 3/8" threaded or do they use Increaser/reducer rod couplings?

Yes, the coupling is the nut that drives the wedge anchor in place.

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Question on the anchors in the picture. Do they come with the rod coupling? The sleeve anchors I have seen the threaded stud is smaller than the drilled hole=3/8" hole 5/16" threaded and 1/2" hole 3/8" threaded or do they use Increaser/reducer rod couplings?
Yes the actual stud part of the anchor is one size smaller than the rod hanger size so a 1/2" anchor has a 1/2" thread for the rod and a 3/8 thread that connects to the stud on the anchor. It comes as one piece as shown with the rod coupling. For years we used drop in anchors but IMO these are better. The drop in's require a hole larger than the anchor size so you're drilling more concrete every time. Also drop in's (especially the larger ones) require quite a bit of hammering with the setting tool to set them in the concrete. These anchor get tapped in lightly with a hammer and set with a ratchet, box wrench or what I use an impact driver.
It probably doesn't matter for most work folks here do, but pay very close attention to the specifications on large projects. At the terminal expansion for LGA there are some serious restrictions on what types of hangers can be used. IIRCC, you can't use cartridge activated devices to shoot anchors overhead, and there are other restrictions as to where on the waffle slab you can make a connection.
So if you were handing threaded rod you could use a sleeve or edge anchor with a rod coupling instead of rod anchor?? Understand seems like rod anchor would be more practical install.
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