Best way to change non-grounded to grounded receptacle?

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retired electrician
The GFCI will trip immediately at 5 milli Amps (4-7 mA range).
The GFCI is also an inverse time device. The UL standard will permit a 5.8 second time to trip for a 5 mA fault. Most will trip a lot quicker than this, but that time is permitted by the standard.

As far as the time to trip the breaker on a fault when the circuit has an EGC, you have to remember that the voltage on the faulted equipment is limited to the voltage drop on the EGC. With low current fault the voltage drop is low and can be low enough that there is no hazard. With high fault currents, the voltage drop will be much higher and will be a shock hazard, but as you pointed out, the higher currents cause the OCPD to open quicker.

The EGC can actually prevent the shock, but the GFCI only limits the duration of the shock.


Senior Member
Unless it's a 3 wire home run, I install GFCI breakers and change receps to grounded (for convienence).

I never label them though....I mean,.... I always label them but the homeowners always go back and change the covers because they don't like the warning labels.
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