Best way to terminate stranded wire on screw terminals?

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stranded wire.

stranded wire.

When terminating stranded wire to a device you must do the UL listed and labled thing. So buy the device that is rated for stranded wire. The fork terminal also has it problem. If your in a pintch strip 1.5 inches from the end, strip .5 inches. be sure to keep the insulation on the end of the wire, now twist the bared spot ccw tightly but do not damage the wire. wrap around the screw and hold with your linemens plyers until the screw is firmly tightened. Than wrap three wrap of electrical tape, (relax and cut tape at the end so the tape stays and doesn't unravel). Lot of extra time is waisted when you don't buy a device sutiable for the job. PV
It seems that there are multiple opinions on how to terminate a stranded wire on a screw connection. Wouldn't you agree that the method that works best for you is the best method. To any problem there are always mutilple solutions and one solution is not the best for everyone. To name call isnt the answer or to belittle a fellow craftsman. I say if you have a good idea please present it but keep it at that. That is what makes any difficults problem easy to solve.
It seems that there are multiple opinions on how to terminate a stranded wire on a screw connection. Wouldn't you agree that the method that works best for you is the best method. To any problem there are always mutilple solutions and one solution is not the best for everyone. To name call isnt the answer or to belittle a fellow craftsman. I say if you have a good idea please present it but keep it at that. That is what makes any difficults problem easy to solve.

Point taken:cool:


I hope so. That's one of the few way to connect fine strand conductors to a mechanical lug. Most cb lugs, pressure plate style included) are not listed to accept fine strand.


Well we could all quit worrying and get out the solder gun a tin the nice hook we have in the wire thats the neatest way I know of, And yes I did know an electrician who did it always on stranded to screw. I might take the time on extension cord wire.
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