Big Box vs. Supply House

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I buy like 90% supply house, but I've been putting some numbers in the corner of a spread sheet for a while and I come up with something like this over the past year. This from Northeast Ohio, my supply house is a bigger independent. (Lowes & HD within a few percent of each other) Rounded to the nearest 5% and generalized some. What's it like elsewhere ?
It's kind of like going to a super-market. You have to know your prices. I generally buy my small quantities of wire at Big Orange but the bulk of my electrical supplies at the supply houses. If I need small quantities of items and if they're closer than the supply house I go to Big Orange. If I need large quantities of things (except NM cable) I go to the supply house.
I buy like 90% supply house, but I've been putting some numbers in the corner of a spread sheet for a while and I come up with something like this over the past year. This from Northeast Ohio, my supply house is a bigger independent. (Lowes & HD within a few percent of each other) Rounded to the nearest 5% and generalized some. What's it like elsewhere ?

These comparisons are pretty accuarate for VA too, except the nm-b difference is more like +15% supply shop. For two years now, the suply shops cannot touch lowes and depots prices on NM
i buy most things at the wholesale house. time is money and it is worth paying extra sometimes having things delivered or walking in and my order is ready to go. when i go the to big box stores it seems like i wander forever.
Roy g

Roy g

From my prespective you have to be constantly viligent in dealing with boxes or independent suppliers Every one wants to maximize profits. box stores are limited if you are doing much commercial work, where larger equipment is needed. Some times it has to do with factory reps setting the price on a product. Several years i bought a lighting job from a supplier in another state for about 25% less than the local rep was quoting to our local supplier. I was told the crap hit thr fan when he didn't get what he thought was a done deal. The architect spec was written around his product. Also i bought ceremaic tiile from the local Lowes store and came short a couple of boxes and had to pick rest up at Lowes 60 miles away in another state, at a different price. I was told that they were in different buying zone which acounted for the price difference.
I really prefer the local wholesale but there's a strange psychology to these prices. It seems I'm willing to pay an extra 50 bucks total for 8 or 10 rolls of NM-B, I figure the SH deserves it. But it rips me up to pay an extra 40.00 for 50A 2 pole GFCI. I may need to adjust my meds.
The last time I was in a supply house I waited 45 minutes in total to get a half dozen simple off-the-shelf items. And I had to explain to the counter guy what I was looking for. :roll:
Agreed, supply houses vary wildly even within branches of the same company. Our local outfit has 9 branches, they use the smaller satellites like a farm team, the counter guys are like Home Depot guys with Klein hats.
The handle is shermansfather, Sherman was my 150 lb (he was a little chunky) Labrador Retriever, he passed in December. He now resides as carbon & calcium in the china cabinet. Best friend I ever had. No disrespect intended. An excellent name for man or beast.
The handle is shermansfather, Sherman was my 150 lb (he was a little chunky) Labrador Retriever, he passed in December. He now resides as carbon & calcium in the china cabinet. Best friend I ever had. No disrespect intended. An excellent name for man or beast.

To call me a labrador retriever would be the ultimate respect as I own two yellows and am a little chunky myself. I am honored now. Welcome to the forum.
I buy romex, wire, boxes, devices and plates at Home Depot. All panels, conduit and fittings I buy at the supply house. I buy GFIs, recessed can trims and fixtures on the Internet.

Not that I buy much these days...
I wish the supply houses would let us wander the aisles with shopping carts. But, I shop where the price is best, and what's convenient to the job. That's more often the orange and blue stores than a supplier.

Hey! My name is Sherman too!! It is like a boy named Sue what were you thinking??
Maybe he liked Mr. Peabody when he was a kid.
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I wish the supply houses would let us wander the aisles with shopping carts. But, I shop where the price is best, and what's convenient to the job.

Maybe he liked Mr. Peabody when he was a kid.

Gave me a kind of swing first then ask questions later attitude from childhood. 20 years of therapy I should be ok now.
I'm curious about something. Do you guys shop your supply house (beat them down ?). When we beat our supply house down on romex, their price is within a penny of home depot (do they even supply 1000' reels ?) I believe the prices listed by op, but I'm just curious as to if these prices are shopped ones or just the run of the mill prices. It pays to have a good inside salesman at your supply house.
I'll shop between branches of the same supplier. Sometimes I've saved 20-30% between houses. Some SH (branches) are better than others. Here, from what I've purchased, the "commercial" products are usually less at at SH. Resi stuff can have a big spread. GFCI receptacles are about the same. Decora are cheaper at the SH. Standard recepts and toggle less. Depends on what you are buying. I buy my trims for cans at a lighting (only) SH.
I wish the supply houses would let us wander the aisles with shopping carts.

We had one set up just like that near me. Self serve! Then it closed. :sad:

But, I shop where the price is best, and what's convenient to the job. That's more often the orange and blue stores than a supplier.

Yes, I have adjusted my thinking away from what the items cost to what the $$ value of the time costs. And guess what? The time is always way more valuable than the items. :cool:
(do they even supply 1000' reels ?)

Yea, and I have even seen sch 80 ENT. Not all have the sch 80 but most have 1000 foot reels.

The problem I have with the box stores:

Out of stock
Need to explain some things to those who dont know what you looking for.
Only have the common stuff.
i buy most things at the wholesale house. time is money and it is worth paying extra sometimes having things delivered or walking in and my order is ready to go. when i go the to big box stores it seems like i wander forever.[/QUOTE

I agree, I prefer the supply house.
In a perfect world:

Supply houses would be staffed with knowledgeable people, offer excellent service and have competitive pricing.

Big boxes would offer an expanded selection at competitive pricing.

Neither one is the case so I guess I'll just have to live with it. :roll: :cool:
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