Never heard of Xenards.
1) Ouch.
2) It is illegal in Texas to hold your retainage for any other reason than your performance.
3) Oh that sounds bad.
4) I really don’t like the 2 year warranties.
5) This is something I try hard to scope out of my contract.
Yeah get the idea.
OfficeMax, almost painless except for the National account (Rexel) I had to buy the fixtures from. Still make money on these but they make you work for it.
Novar- They furnish and install
Gear- National Account, prefab gear room.
Fixtures- National Account (NIGHTMARE) Add $10K-$15K to the fixtures for the headache. Multiple ones and twos shipments to the job, freight damage, many changes.
FA- National account, you carry. There is some kind of madness having to do with the duct detectors and annunciators but I forgot the details, you will be involved and have to make special signs too.
Communications- national account, you carry.
Bed Bath & Beyond, these are tough the lighting package is a national account and the plans are a moving target.
Novar- You pull wire and terminate, they commission.
Gear- National Account, prefab gear wall.
Fixtures- National Account easy to deal with but had a few holes that cost me. They also are VERY demanding on the lighting layout and if you are a little bit off they make you fix it.
FA- Your sub but make damn sure you follow their plan to the letter. I think the duct detectors and annuciators come with the mech package.
Communications- They picked this up.
Testing- National account, infrared testing,you carry.
POS system –Fastlane, you cary. Be careful the fixture details the fixture company submits will be different than the Fast lane submittals which will be different than the details on the e-sheets.
Ross Relatively painless, and very easy to work for but watch out the color of the devices are white on the E-sheets and Grey on the A-sheets…guess which one they want. There is a hole for the fire doors and the GC will want you to hook them up because they “tie” into the fire alarm which can be a problem in itself. I recommend excluding these doors they are a pain in the butt.
Novar- You pull wire and, they terminate and commission.
Gear- You furnish
Fixtures- National Account easy to deal with but had a few holes that cost me. The planes are a bit complicated for the fixtures but some planning makes it better.
FA- Your sub. You furnish the duct detectors and annuciators.
Communications- They picked this up, you pull the cat5.
Petsmart Fun job but the are picky bunch, and make damn sure you get their specified special order LONG lead time power poles or they will make you cry.
Novar- They furnish and install
Gear- National Account, prefab gear room.
Fixtures- National Account, not to bad unless they have the vet office then there is a pain in the butt supplier you have to deal with for the x-ray light and the exam light.
FA- Your sub, I cant remember who does the duct detectors and annunciaotors.
Communications- national account, they pick up.
Best Buy Easy job, but they are picky about the floor boxes… the kids want to play the wife says I have too… I will write more later, if I have time.
Toys R US
Circuit City
New World Market
I have done a bunch.