peter said:
? would like to know what "Novar" means or stands for?
Google is your friend:
peter said:
"National Account" means, I think, that you have to buy from a certain supplier?
A national account is a purchasing agreement between the owner and a supply house. When bidding these jobs the plans explicitly state that you MUST buy certain items from this supply house; typically gear and/or fixtures. The logic of a deal like this is that a national chain, (like Office Max) will get a guaranteed pricing and their fixtures can not be substituted. (That may be the logic but there is more to it hint hint nudge nudge.)
There are basically two ways this works and you get screwed either way:
1) They furnish the fixtures from their national account, and expect you to unload their truck, inventory, and store on the job, protect from damage/theft, and warranty these fixtures for free. Watch out sometimes the small print says you furnish the lamps too.
2) You furnish the fixtures through a PO you issued to the supply house they specify on there plans. Your local supply house will treat you with some degree of civility and at least pretend to not to be a snake, but this out of town supply house that has the National Account will show you how supply houses really are since they are not counting your repeat business.
They will not furnish fixture counts and will not tell you if the cookie cutter store you just took off has a bad fixture count, and when you find out mid way through the job that you need more fixtures?get you check book out.
They will not give freight estimates but they will drop ship the fixtures to your warehouse, to some guy named Joe Blow on the jobsite, to three other job sites, and to other companies with similar sounding name, despite your PO explicitly stating to only ship to one location and if you want replacements for fixtures you never received?get your check book out.
They will not file freight claims, and anything damaged during shipment is your problem, not theirs?so get your check book out.
You pay 50% up front and submittals are extra?.send a check.
Oops they sent the wrong voltage?get your check book out.
What you need a layout for the reloc we just sent you? Get your check book out.
Oh and since you bought and furnished the fixtures you get to warranty them too, and guess where you have to get your parts from.
You get the idea, and no they are not all that bad and some actually go off without a hitch. My Ross fixture packages ship flawlessly and they even ship replacement fixtures for damaged freight no questions asked, but for the most part I tack on a hefty adder to deal with the National Accounts for they ones that I have had problems with. I won?t do an OfficeMax without adding at least $15k on for fixtures headaches.
peter said:
?All the electrical contracting for Home Depot is done by Lynn Rogers based in Alpharetta, Georgia?. ~Peter
I wonder why they keep sending me plans to estimate. Price check maybe?