The 'blockchain' is an algorithm for creating a distributed anonymous ledger.
Imagine that I buy something from you by simply saying 'I owe you a dollar', and I record that transaction in a big book sitting in a gazebo in the town green. In that book it simply says 'winnie owes Joethemechanic $1'. Then you buy something from ggunn, by again making a record in the book. The actual dollar never changes hands.
The blockchain is a cryptographic algorithm for maintaining that book on a network of untrusted machines with the various users are also not trusted.
The bitcoins are simply numbers assigned value that are used to reward people participating in that network. The bitcoins have _zero_ value except for their perceived scarcity.
bitcoins are like dollars, in the sense that they kind of sort of represent promises from one person to another. But they have no hard value.
The blockchain ledger might have value separate from bitcoin, for allowing people to agree to exchange things of actual value. Say we use blockchain to write in the ledger 'winnie owes Joe a pint of beer'. You could use that pint of beer to buy something from ggunn. But at some point someone is going to want to drink that pint, and someone will need to deliver. And then everything will come crashing down when they realize that the fractional reserve bankers have shared 3 pints of beer out 19 ways.