Bizarre Dimming Situation

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Or......Maybe someone cleand the cable with Gojo???

I'll vote for the series wiring . And also those lights look like 120 volt ones, but are they? Low volt lights will dim in varying degree as the get further away from the source of the voltage.
Regarding the dimmable CFL's I was wondering if anyone knew what the dimmer manufacturers take on this situation is? About a year ago I spoke with a rep from Lutron and he told me that even though some lamp manufacturers listed their product as dimmable, Lutron did not list any of their dimmers for this use. Does anyone know if this is still the case or has the outlook changed?
electricalperson said:
hey 360 did you get back to that job today to see what was wrong? i was thinking about this all day today :)

No. I am supposed to be over there tomorrow for that and some other work. I did talk to him on the phone today and says that it is the flood lamps that are in the cans, not the CFLs. We will see and I will let you know.
080612-2017 EST


Assume these are standard incandescent lamps, then collect some parts that will allow you screw an adapter into the lamp socket, provide a new socket for the lamp, and some leads to plug into your meter.

With this test equipment you can monitor the actual voltage at the lamp at whatever dimmer positions you want for data.

Ok, duh, they are the CFLs. One I had never seen before, actually enlosed in a par 30 style lamp. You can see the "cone" through the glass of the flood. I put the 2 CFLs on the same switch (only 2 lights on that switch).
360Youth said:
Ok, duh, they are the CFLs. One I had never seen before, actually enlosed in a par 30 style lamp. You can see the "cone" through the glass of the flood. I put the 2 CFLs on the same switch (only 2 lights on that switch).
I installed a dimmer for some can lights for my wife's friend about a year ago.
She calls my wife the other day and said the dimmers was making a funny noise and was getting really hot. I go over there and she had replaced all the lamps with the par 30 style non-dimming CFLs.
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