Black goo

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Boss thought I could swap out maybe 6 per hour. Ya right...

I was thinking you might be lucky at two or three per hour...Working in a space full of people and trying to get something done can be a real PITA....
I certainly hope that my grammatical errors haven?t stumped anybody. I tend to take due care in my choice words, unfortunately my speel check software doesn?t catch misused wording.
I am new to these forums and am treading cautiously, and posting with care. I would have expected or even welcomed critique based on any opinions which I may have expressed, not on textual errors. Please don?t get hung up on synonyms.
Boss thought I could swap out maybe 6 per hour. Ya right... :cool:
"Sure, Boss, if you have one guy ahead of me de-lensing and de-lamping them, and someone after me re-lamping and re-lensing them."

I usually figure 20 minutes per. More if it's higher than 10'.
Back on topic.. :roll:

The smell wasn't deliberate, it is just a byproduct of that nasty potting compound burning off inside a ballast. Like I'd said before it has a unique rankness unequaled by most organic things. :)

You do have to be careful with older ballasts in another way: the non-thermally protected type (The ones with out "Type P" or "Class P" on the label) can easily generate enough heat through internal arcing to burn right through the metal case and fixture and ignite the surface they're attached to. I had an old book that showed a picture of a hole burned into a ceramic tile from a ballast failure.

As a kid growing up my dad's shoplight set fire to the basement when it's ballast failed, it burned a good portion of the joist it was mounted to. Luckily we were home when it lit off.
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