Bogged Down, Cluttered and Smothered

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Senior Member
I can't take it anymore. People don't throw anything away. And I seem to end up trying to work around their junk during a job. I have heard them swear up and down during a previous walkthrough, "oh, I'll have that all cleared out, cleaned up......" whatever. This kind a thing ruins my productivity, making it hard to find a groove and crank out the work. I usually just deal with it the best I can because the schedule is packed, I'm there and I'm committed. But the whole time I just want to scream. Lets not mention attics. :mad:

So today I completed an estimate for a customer (another clutter bug, older house) having just come back from a "stuff everywhere job", and said no more. I changed the heading on the estimate to budget and estimated high, with a note "This job to be performed on a time and material basis". And off it went.

The homeowner had called us because she did'nt like the estimate of another contractor, and I think I know why.

If you want to vent about clutter, have at it.
If you want to offer advice on how you deal with this kind of mess, go for it.
Pictures always a plus.

I'll be taking out the trash and cleaning the kitchen.
I did a service upgrade a few years ago for a seriously OCD guy.

He had tiny passage ways all throughout his house (which he never left). Books, newspapers and whatever, stacked to the ceiling. The yard was just the same with all kinds of crap covering every square foot.

If you work in people's houses, that's just how it is. Deal with it. Always assume that the conditions that exist when you look at the work won't be any different when you're there to do the work.
You go boyeee!!!!!

I deal with it too, but I do the best I can. I recently gave a price to a family to do some old work cans and their attic was full of stuff. They also said they would have it cleared out........ we'll see. The funny part about it is, the ceiling joists are only 2x6, and I explained to them that the can will extend higher than the top of the joists, so space for storage will be limited. I can't wait for the call stating that they put a large box of Christmas decorations on top of the can, and it fell out of the ceiling, taking some drywall with it......
220/221 said:
He had tiny passage ways all throughout his house (which he never left). Books, newspapers and whatever, stacked to the ceiling. The yard was just the same with all kinds of crap covering every square foot.
I did a trouble call in a lady's townhouse that was just like that. Just a "path" though the house. I'm not even sure where or how she slept. Not a space big enough to set up a stepladder anywhere. I had to troubleshoot an open lighting circuit, and everything was spidered out of the ceiling light boxes (70's style). I had to put things out on the back porch to work in each area, then carry it all back in. The problem could have easily been resolved in 30 minutes in a "regular" home, but I know I spent a good half day there. The only thing that would have made that call worse would have been if she had animals, which fortunately she did not.
You mean like this lady's basement?




ItsHot said:
Why is the meter inside?

It's very common in some my basement :cool: ....I'm pretty sure the meter reader hates me and all my piles of junk, too.:grin:
StreamlineGT said:
Around here they remote read the meter, they never set foot on the property.... I don't know about you guys.
Same here. They hire all psychic meter readers. Some months are actual readings, and other months they do by Tarot cards.
I have had the pleasure of working for the phone company. Unlike having your own business, you can't pick and choose your customers. I have seen some really interesting houses. The crazy cat person with 20 cats and a path through piles of newspapers that are 3 ft high. She told me her ex boyfriend broke in and put the papers there. Interesting as I looked at one of the papers dates and it was dated 1978. Another house I went to. I knock on the door and the voice yells out "Gotta go around back". I do and when I come through the back door I see, a pig, maybe 200 pounds in the kitchen. I go into the living room and there is the reason I can't come through the front door. A pig,again, maybe 800 pounds. I thought it was a hotwater heater at first. Anyway the lady informs me the trouble is with THAT jack on the wall. The one over the couch. I start to open it up and I feel some tapping on my boots. Chickens. Coming out from under the couch. Well, fixed that trouble in amazing time, left that job and I will forever remember the address of that individual. Gross job, but now one of my favorite stories to tell especially when someone says "I am sorry for the mess, I haven't been able to dust today"
I had a good one, lady calls recpt. stopped working. Get to house recp. that quit is behind a 12'L x 7' H entertainment center/ bookcase with a 60" plasma tv and surround sound. How am I going to move this? She then tells me it is a switched recp. The electrical gods were smiling on me, broken wire on switch leg. Now I didn't need to hire a moving co. with a fork lift.
bobbyho said:
...but now one of my favorite stories to tell especially when someone says "I am sorry for the mess, I haven't been able to dust today"
Yeah, no kidding. I think to myself, "Lady, you have no idea the places that I've been", while I'm slipping on shoe covers because I thought that the house is so clean.
Shoe Covers?

Shoe Covers?

mdshunk said:
while I'm slipping on shoe covers because I thought that the house is so clean.

I don't have the shoe covers so I do the sock routine. And once before thinking it through--missed my coffee stop that morning, and after my sock stuck to the kitchen floor, I made a trip to the truck to get some parts :rolleyes: and returned wearing my shoes. Good thing, cause when I regained conciousness I saw the carpet and the dog hair piled up along the edges of the hall like this guy did'nt know that someone had invented this marvelous machine called a vacume cleaner.

But the back bedroom was the end of civilization. Cat urine that made your eyes water and your throat sting. I stuck it out, but man I wanted to pack up and run.
frizbeedog said:
I don't have the shoe covers so I do the sock routine.
11 dollars for a box of 50 pair at a janitorial supply house. I don't use them on every call... just the nice houses or if it's bad weather. 50 pair will last a good long while. Walking around in someone's home in my socks isn't something I feel like doing. I'm a professional, so I'll stay fully dressed, thank you. The Comcast guy was at my place a while back, and he took off his boots and left them on the front porch. I was a little surprised by that.
Years ago a guy I worked with did a service change and put the panel in the junk filled basement. The guy told the home owner he needed to have clear working space in front of the panel before it would pass inspection. He wasn't happy about it but the HO cleaned the basement. The inspector called my boss and told him it failed and asked him what the hell he was thinking mounting a panel above a toilet. My boss went and looked at it and sure enough there was a working toilet right below the panel.
mdshunk said:
The Comcast guy was at my place a while back, and he took off his boots and left them on the front porch. I was a little surprised by that.

Well, its the thought that counts. :smile:
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