Bonding gas piping

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Kinda silly though how part the gas code must be approved by an electrical insp before it can be approved by a gas insp.
When I do fire suppression system wiring, sometimes the electrical inspection must be done before the fire marshall test, and sometimes not until after it.
Actually the state sent all MA insps notification on this and it is considered to be a MA amendment to the MEC. ( MA elec code).:roll:

Actually thats mis information. The board of examiners sent ot a letter informing the El Insp to insp the bond connection if a Lic Electrician pulls a permit . Sorry! the Mass Code refused to deal with it and so did the NEC.

Kinda silly though how part the gas code must be approved by an electrical insp before it can be approved by a gas insp.:roll:

Actally that is mis ionformation also the elctrical inspector only inspects the boding connection that is made by a Ma Licenced Electrician. NFPA 54 or the Nat'l Mech Code not withstanding.
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