Looking at Halo HLB6099FS1EMWR lights. Box says it is rated for 8 14AWG conductors but is only 10 cu in. This does not seem to agree with box fill rules.
See product image of box https://www.lightingsupply.com/halo-hlb6099fs1emwr.aspx
Specifically trying to determine if I can daisy chain these with 14/3 which ultimately ends at a fan.
With 14/3 in and 14/3 out of each light it would be 8 conductors. With box fill calculations 7 conductors [one ground not counted] x 2 cu in = 14 cu in, but the box is only 10.
See product image of box https://www.lightingsupply.com/halo-hlb6099fs1emwr.aspx
Specifically trying to determine if I can daisy chain these with 14/3 which ultimately ends at a fan.
With 14/3 in and 14/3 out of each light it would be 8 conductors. With box fill calculations 7 conductors [one ground not counted] x 2 cu in = 14 cu in, but the box is only 10.