Branch circuit or Feeder

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the definition of branch circuit OCPD includes the word "capable". If the OCPD is capable of being a BC OCPD, then that is what it is by definition. You can't get around that.
But that doesn't qualify/disqualify in any way whether or not the protected conductors are a feeder or a branch circuit. It is basically distinguishing between a branch circuit OCPD and a supplementary OCPD. According to that same definition that same device can be used on service conductors as well.
OK, try this...

A Feeder is all circuit conductors from the service equipment, separately derived system, or other power supply source to the FINAL branch-circuit overcurrent device.

A branch circuit is the circuit conductors from the FINAL overcurrent device to the outlet.

These definitions are mutually exclusive...In words...In black and white. Not an assumption, but part of the Code as written.

Try this again==

Lets say you have a 20a circuit for elevator car lights -- the OCPD is located outside the elevator room FEEDER only because a smaller branch circuit is supplied from it -- once inside the room a single disconnect 15A breaker is fed thru to the car light circuit BRANCH CIRCUIT due to the final OCD is 15A protecting the conductors -- Is here supplementary OCP? no
Now the elevator room has a control box in which the same 20A circuit is fed into BRANCH CIRCUIT due to the final OCD is 20A protecting the entire branch circuit conductors -- this time the feed thru breaker is 20A -- supplementary OCP
Is here supplementary OCP? yes
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