Okay.. Hear is the scoop! The clicking noise was definently caused by the refrigerator. All test performed proved that even with a load on the breaker without the refrigerator plugged in the clicking noise quit!! Plugged refrigerator back in and clicking returned.. It appears as though either the compressor and/or both the capacitor on the refrigerator was causing the clicking noise. My speculation is that the capacitor is rapidly discharging so fast that the breaker doesn't have enough time to respond to the surge therefore causing the clicking noise. Even though the refrigerator is cooling and appears to be running & operating normally. Apparently one of the electrical storms that affected some other equipment in the customers home must have affected the refrigerator compressor too. Even though the customer has already had an appliance repair company check it out and say that it was okay, I recommended him to call them back out or call another company and offer them copies of all of the testing results that I've done in hopes of helping them understand the nature of the problem with the refrigerator so that it may be repaired. Thanks to all who have helped me with this problem!! I really appreciate all the help and advice. Well as of now, at least I know I'm not the only one who has heard of this problem and I hope that maybe this will help others who may come across this situation in the future.. Thanks!!