Breaker tripped and I don't know why.

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I wouldn't "offer" to fuse the poles - I'd even lie about it and say it's required by code. Then, fuse each pole AND fuse each downstream feed out so that you will be able to diagnose exactly which section or pole has the fault. You can tell them that because this wasn't done during the initial installation is the reason why you have to keep coming back.
jese2727, can you keep us posted on this. I would like to know if you do rewirer, what you find when the old wires are removed. Maybe you find one of the fixtures has a loose wire or the whole fixture is bad.
guschash said:
jes2727, can you keep us posted on this.

guschash ( and anyone else that's interested),
I revisited the site today. The circuit has not tripped since I moved the wires to the other breaker. I'm relieved.
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