In some cases, transitions from 75?C to 90?C terminations are made remote to the 75?C-rated equipment... using all 90?C equipment... just for the purpose of using a conductor at its 90?C ampacity (i.e. smaller, less expensive).It was already proposed, but the CMP rejected the idea.
EDIT: Nevermind, I see the proposal also would've removed the ability to use the 90? for derating which is no bueno.
However, I still don't understand the CMPs response that someone might actually need to termination at 90? rated equipment.
For example, 75?C equipment requires a 500kcmil conductor. Routed via cable tray, ten feet away from equipment terminal enclosure, a 90?C-rated compression barrel splice transitions to a 400kcmil conductor for the bulk of the run... then another but reversed transition is made at the other end.
It's not a common scenario, but it does occur...