Bringing an Old Earth Station back to Life

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Jamesburg Tours... for the future

Jamesburg Tours... for the future

zbang said:
Vent fans, pumps, safety lights, the possibilities are almost endless. You might want to make a scratch diagram of the power system simply by noting where the incoming service is, where the pipes go, and what everything is labeled. (Don't open anything more than the door on a breaker panel when you're doing this.) Once you have this, you'll know where the panels are. I expect that the panel schedules are emostly correct, so that should tell you what sort of things are connected where (ie. "Roof fan #2").

Will you do tours? The inlaws live in Carmel.

Tours are difficult at this time, due to the industrial nature of the site, but maybe in the future when we get it set up, and some safety briefings worked out, dangerous areas roped off, etc.. We want to do science outreach for young people, having kids bounce their voices off the moon and hearing their own voices return 2.5 seconds later....
cschmid said:
very kewl and were do you begin..I would check to see how many unused power supplies still have power on them..Some of the old supplies will still consume power even if they are not powered fact some of the new power supplies do your cell phone chargers or your laptop if you got lots of them that will give you some consumption..

What are you going to do with the facility..

We are currently doing Moon Bounce Communications, but need to help the owner find a buyer who can build a business model for the site.
It could do nicely for Lunar or MARS probe communications.
Some of the Google Lunar Xprize Teams are planning to use it to communicate with their Lunar Rovers, that will be up there on the moon in the coming years.
Simi Valley Dish Mfg,

Simi Valley Dish Mfg,

cowboyjwc said:
The Southwestern Section meeting of the IAEI will be in Monterey this year.

You could invite them out and really get some opinions.:smile:

The company that built that dish may be located here in Simi Valley. I may be able to help get you some info. If they didn't make that one they build ones just like it.

The dish is a Philco-Ford Dish, Model Intelsat-A 30 meter. Made/Designed in 1967.
That company, went through a number of evolutions, and the closest descendent now is GD Satcom; for General Dynamics Satcom

The aluminum dish panels were built in Italy by Cospal, who is still building panels, largely now of composite materials.

It might make an interesting tour..Especially if we upgrade the power system to accommodate a newly revealed requirement for 2 million watt site service capacity.
I would be interested to know who the manufacturer is, in Simi Valley.
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