buck boost

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correy smith

New User
Hey guys, hoping someone here can assist in getting me an idea what I may be up against. I am a woodworker here in Hawaii. I just started getting a new shop space together and realized I have 100A 208v 3 phase four wire service.
My 3 phase machines are 230v.
Most the rest are 220v single phase.
I contacted one machine manufacturer and they said the motor would be fine to run on the 208 and to change the 230v on the controls transformer to the 208v contact. So I will try that an see how that one goes. Still waiting on the other manufacturers to get back to me.
I am unsure how to properly size a transformer for my application. I may only be at this space for a year or two and then to another shop on my own property with probably a single phase service generating 3 phase 240v with a Phase Perfect converter.
Unfortunately I just sold my phase converters...... maybe could have used them here.....
I am also looking at smaller transformers for individual machines as this might be cheaper in the long run.
Any thoughts?
Many thanks,Correy
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