**Bumper Stickers Are In**

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Hope you had a good vactaion Charlie and I'll be sending in a request for those stickers today.... Very Cool stickers, I will proudly be displaying these in several places and THANKS to everyone that put the time and effort into these... JB
So far I've been able to process all of the requests that I've received for the stickers. Just a few things for anyone requesting them in the future, please send a business sized (#10)(4 1/8" X 9 1/2") SASE. I've received some smaller envelopes and the stickers do not fit in them. The small envelopes will delay the processing. In item #3 below please write the info on the flap of the SASE not the envelope containing the SASE. In some cases the info was under the glue so I had to guess what it said. :smile:

Here are the pertinent instructions again as per George:


1. Put a stamp on an envelope.

2. Write your name on the envelope, as both the sender and the recipient. That way, if any additional postage is owed, you pay the nickel.

3. Inside the flap of the envelope, write down the number of stickers you would like to receive.

4. Below that, write your screen name down, so we can check you off the list.

5. Fold this envelope in half, and stuff it into another envelope.

6. Write the address of the moderator you've been assigned to on the envelope, put a stamp on it, and stick it in the mail.
So far I've been able to process all of the requests that I've received for the stickers. Just a few things for anyone requesting them in the future, please send a business sized (#10)(4 1/8" X 9 1/2") SASE. I've received some smaller envelopes and the stickers do not fit in them. The small envelopes will delay the processing. In item #3 below please write the info on the flap of the SASE not the envelope containing the SASE. In some cases the info was under the glue so I had to guess what it said. :smile:


You got to wonder about these electricians who can't follow these, most basic, 6 steps to get free stickers.

Makes you wonder....:grin:
I finally put two of mine on.

One on my truck:


One on the van:


Yeah. Just in time..... it's starting to rain.
Thanks to Bob and Mike for the stickers. Got mine a few weeks ago... just got back on the forum :grin:. I'll display them proudly.
Rob, you da man..........got em yesterday :)

1st one on the 05 handbook, trucks next.......:roll:

now if it was available in a patch, i'm thinking HAT......

thanks to Mike Holt and the gang.........I'll display them proudly.......

ya know, suddenly i feel enlightened :cool:
Yes! Stickers in today's mail! They look great!

(One had a sticker with "200" written on it, but I got it off.)

Thanx, Charlie!

No pix yet. Patience, grasshopper.
Then I make the check out to you?? Or do you want cash in the envelope with the receptacle count like everybody else??

I don't think there is any NEC requirement for counting any recepticals.
Just a Watts per Square Foot, or Calculated Load.

BTW, your by-line reminds me of some Brooklynese I heard when I lived in New York City! Very cute!

OK, George,
I vote for the Stickers, also.
Whose list will I be on?
And, Thanks to Mike Holt for a lifetime of interest
in educating electricians.

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