1979 I had a similar install (TJI were not there though). I drilled the holes as straight as I could for this in about a 6000 Sq Ft home. Any way this was the first residence I had wired for this employer, all was done neat & with workmanship in mind. Prior to final with my boss standing behind me I started to energize branch circuits - bang - pow- snap -. All of my breakers would not set with all sorts of arcing and noise. Larry's eyes had fire his ears did smoke as I looked at him in disbelief. As I scurried for my life looking for a problem we assessed my cable trunk line method. Finally, we came to the mechanical room above my branch circuit runs (2 sets). The plumber had drilled down through the first set in ordser to install a gas pipe for his boiler - saw he had hit the bundle moved ove & drilled through the sencond set of wires. He then installed the pipe in the second hole finished his work & did not inform anyone. Long story short - Larry did not kill me. This was the only problem that has ever occurred in my career with such an install.
Per code this is bundling requiring derating