Burning Wirenut

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And the worst part is this thing isn't going to help the people who need it the most. Most electrical fires of this type are in older dwellings occupied by those of of very limited financial resources.
According to one fire cause document I found, 85% of of the fires that are said to be of electrical cause occur in dwellings units over 20 years old.
According to one fire cause document I found, 85% of of the fires that are said to be of electrical cause occur in dwellings units over 20 years old.

Unfortunately I bet it does not break it down into fires that started within premesis wiring vs plugged in equipment, as well as mis-used equipment.
As a principal voting member of a different Panel, I can state categorically that there are many special interests, driven by profit, that exist on the NEC Panels. Dr. Ingel's conservative estimate of $1 billion in increased cost to the consumer by requiring combination-type AFCI devices as opposed to branch circuit AFCI devices (which are not allowed to be installed according to the current Code) shows the magnitude of the profit we're talking about. A billion here, a billion there - pretty soon you're talking real money. UL - the more I learn about them, the more disappointed I become. Guess what - they're in it for one reason only - and of course, that's THE MONEY.

I sent a proposal to Panel 2 saying to remove the wording "combination type" from the requirements for AFCIs, and provided video evidence to the Panel showing that these devices absolutely will not trip in a series arcing conditon. Rejected. Absolutely amazing. I can't believe that it's all done out of ignorance, as the evidence is so overwhelming.

We need a device that can detect the overheated connections that do occur in the real world, and prevent our houses from burning down from the resulting fires.

The last rop i wrote was for the .02 cycle in hopes of some clarity on 210.12B.

Old rop's , and rop stats aren't easy to find , at least for me.

But i can recall a rather lenghtly response at the time, and often wonder if it was an all time (single code) rop high

i've read a lot of jems, and some genius substaintiations, all submitted to CMP2's round file

being somewhat dissillusioned at what i was led to believe was a collective effort toward a better nec, i have not written since

that said there is power in knowledge, especially when numbers who possess knowledge are on the same page

i only ask this knowledge shared, especially by insiders like yourself rhud1234.......

at the risk of being cliche', take back the nec!

I have a technology that already prevents the fires this device protects against:


Those will get the job done...:thumbsup:
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