Burnt Pictures

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Ohhhh nooooo.....

Ohhhh nooooo.....

We had the local gas utility dig out in front of a house here in town, they had no idea, (for whatever reason) they punched a pipe. One tech opened the screen door to meet the HO, the static from the screen door opening ignited the exposed gas. One elderly fellow inside perished, the service guy was blown back 30'. Upon opening the screen door, the house was leveled, I don't mean leveled, I mean LEVELED, nothing left. Luckily he didn't have guests over. I wish I had pics. I mean LITERALLY leveled:mad: Entire house GONE, part of the garage was left. Talk about tradegy?????
satcom said:
These guys blow thru Rigid, IMC would be like butter, they just don't know what they are doing, they just press harder on the drill, no craft skills at all.
I still like ridgid. Often they don't own very good drill bits.:smile:
It's like this.

To some people, SEU cable will always be an inferior wiring method. That's fine. Supply houses sell rigid and IMC if that's what you want to use. :)

The rest of us who use SEU cable will continue to do so regardless of some cable TV moron running around with a bell bit. The picture shows what can go wrong when someone damages an SEU cable, but that is the rare case when that happens.

Please don't try to argue with me about this because I have the final say on the issue. ;) :D
76nemo said:
Upon opening the screen door, the house was leveled, I don't mean leveled, I mean LEVELED, nothing left. Luckily he didn't have guests over. I wish I had pics. I mean LITERALLY leveled:mad: Entire house GONE, part of the garage was left.

Same basic thing happened the next town over from me, to a home that had no gas line. They broke a gas line in the street and the gas followed the water line into the home filled the basement and then boom!

If you goggle for gas explosion you find a lot of them.
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