Business cards

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I like the calendar idea. May cause someone to hang on to it, even if they don't need it at the moment. The only issue is you have to gauge how many you'll give out each year.

I was just going to get some magnetic ones made up, and stick them to each panel I get my hands in. ;)
For big clients I was also thinking of purchasing some uglys and purdys books and put my sticker on the front cover. It would cost about $35 a pop. Well worth if I could get one contract.
khixxx - not following something. If your prospective customers can use and Ugly's or Purdy's, why are they hiring you? Oh, by the way, what is Purdy's - very familiar with Ugly's, but haven't come up with anything that is in book form with a Purdy in the title. Did find an EC in OH with the same name.
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