Bx or Romex

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Hi Guy's i was jsut hired to rewire a commercial store. It used to be a pharmacy and now it goung to be some sort of dmv place. Anyhow its typical. 20 4 foot drop in lights in the drop ceiling. 30 receptacles , 2 bath fans, 1 a/c unit a bunch of switches ect. My question is can i use romex or do i have to use bx or mc cable. I think i can use romex because it's under 3 stories. There is a tennant who lives above the store on the 2nd flr. I believe i am correct in using romex for the reason its under 3 stories. Its not a assembly meeting hall and it will not hold more than 100 people. I cant find anything in the code book that states otherwise. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
334.10 (2008 NEC) uses permitted
(3) other structures permitted be of types III,IV and V construction except as prohibited in 334.12. cables shall be concealed within walls, floors or ceilings that provided a thermal barrier of material that has at least a 15-minute finish rating as identified in the listings of fire rated Assemblies.

The 3 story under part was removed form the NEC several issues ago,. the use of Romex in your building will depend on the Building type
Romex is not allowed above drop ceilings except in dwelling units. You can however use romex in the walls.

The State of NJ deleted 334.12(A)(2) in it's entirety when they accepted the 2008 NEC. Actually, they've always deleted that section. Romex is permitted above dropped or suspended ceilings in NJ, which is where the OP is working. It's acceptable then to wire a small commercial space with NM.
Romex is not allowed above drop ceilings except in dwelling units. You can however use romex in the walls.

One thing to consider, romex when used in "othre than dwelling" which is what this is, has to be concealed in a wall, ceiling or floor that has a 15 minute fire rating. Where some people have gotten burnt, (including myself) is an interior, non load bearing, partition wall is not required to carry ANY fire rating.(nfpa 5000) Until you put romex in it.(per nec 15 min rating),,, So what that means is , a 10 ft wall, with drop ceilings at 8' and containing open bays at the top, cannot have NM ran inside that wall,,,,,regardless of wheter it comes over the drop ceiling,it can't be in that wall at all, or that wall would have to be brought up to meet a 15 minute fire rating
Thanks guy's for all the help. I talked with the inspector and he said he had no problem with it. Actually his office is next store to the building i'm re-wiring. :grin:
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