By the way

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480sparky said:
And I hate those.

They register, ask a handful of questions, and you never hear from them again.

It would be nice to know if their problem was solved, and what the resolution ended up being.

Since this thread has no apparent direction :D, I was wondering why a message could not be made to come up explaining to the beginning poster that their message may take awhile to show up. I think many posters , myself included, would type a question or response and realize that it never showed up so the retype or , worse yet, they just give up and don't come back.

Thus, here we are second guessing the posters question and they are never around to help us understand their question.
Dennis Alwon said:
Since this thread has no apparent direction :D, I was wondering why a message could not be made to come up explaining to the beginning poster that their message may take awhile to show up. I think many posters , myself included, would type a question or response and realize that it never showed up so the retype or , worse yet, they just give up and don't come back.

Thus, here we are second guessing the posters question and they are never around to help us understand their question.
I think new posters should need to demonstrate where they've effectively posted elsewhere, under the auspices of a net savvy master, for a year or so. At that point, they'd be eligible to take the exam to be able to post here. At that point, they could be granted the posting license and be eligible to post. Sound good?
Dennis Alwon said:
Since this thread has no apparent direction :D, I was wondering why a message could not be made to come up explaining to the beginning poster that their message may take awhile to show up.

I believe that info is actually provided at the sign up. :smile:

But like so much information provided at any Internet / software registration we all blow right by it.
mdshunk said:
I think new posters should need to demonstrate where they've effectively posted elsewhere, under the auspices of a net savvy master, for a year or so. At that point, they'd be eligible to take the exam to be able to post here. At that point, they could be granted the posting license and be eligible to post. Sound good?

Yes, but only under the condition I can be a 'net savvy' training provider. My rates would be reasonable (at least to me :D)

After you get to 100 posts there's no more goodies.....except knowlege.

You're not qualified to make those kinds of comments! Where's Iwire (Bob) when you need him?

He is the grand master of posting, not to mention the AHJ around this neck of the woods (for the most part).:)
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Oh, and Roger! He has the king's hat for this season.
HMMM might have to consider becoming a mod...too many things happen that can't be seen from this side the curtain, go on ...
masterinbama said:
if I'm going bald mom and I need to have a talk about the milkman or for those that remember the Charles Chip guy
I think you would have to have a talk with your mother's mother, actually, unless her husband was bald. A college classmate of mine (OK, that was way back in the last millenium), a pre-med student at the time (now a computer engineer) once proved to me that baldness is a trait you inherit from your maternal grandfather. Don't ask me to reproduce the proof; all I can do it to report the story. :D

By the way, my maternal grandfather was a classic billiard ball; yep, I got it from him. :grin:
Rockyd said:
You're not qualified to make those kinds of comments! Where's Iwire (Bob) when you need him?

He is the grand master of posting, not to mention the AHJ around this neck of the woods (for the most part).:)
Well, that certainly explains the brown-nosing. :cool:
roger said:
Heck, George literally gave a member 6,000,000,000 posts one day.
You sure it was posts?
mdshunk said:
I think new posters should need to demonstrate where they've effectively posted elsewhere, under the auspices of a net savvy master, for a year or so. At that point, they'd be eligible to take the exam to be able to post here. At that point, they could be granted the posting license and be eligible to post. Sound good?

Don't forget proof of post insurance..oh yes, and a post permit filed with the moderators. After passing final inspection their message will then be posted.
roger said:
Dennis, click HERE and HERE


I realize the info is available but as I was trying to say and Bob pointed out, many of us just blow thru the directions. It takes a while to get use to a forum. This is the only forum I have ever been on and I had to play to learn. I am not one of those read and learn guys.

I did figure out that it was taking time because I was new. I just think we may get responses back from beginning posters if those messages came up when you hit the submit button for the first time or two.
Dennis Alwon said:
many of us just blow thru the directions.

And thats normal, it's the electricians way.

At some point if they're really interested in an answer, they will go back and read the directions in depth.

Dennis Alwon said:
I realize the info is available but as I was trying to say and Bob pointed out, many of us just blow thru the directions.

So I really don't understand what your looking for? :)

We all agree the instructions are there and that people ignore them.

Should the moderators be calling each new member at sign up and go over the rules? ;)

Dennis I am just joking around I have no idea what more could be done, we Moderators do not have the keys to the forum controls so it is really out of our hands. :smile:
iwire said:
Dennis I am just joking around I have no idea what more could be done, we Moderators do not have the keys to the forum controls so it is really out of our hands. :smile:

I realize you guys don't program the forum. The web guys do that and I was just thinking that when a newbie hits the submit button the message would pop up. I believe this would pretty much guarantee that the poster see this particular rule. It isn't that important I just thought it would facilitate the newbies responses.

I would be curious to know how many one time posters there are that have never responded to the thread they started.
Larry, you are going to ruin iwire's star student...and to have him upset and all like that...on a Sunday too...aren't you ashamed of yourself? :grin:
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