cablevision amplifier outlet

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Sierrasparky said:
I have no problem letting a person know that I can do that small job like that over the phone and it will cost the minimum call + parts. I just would not drive a long distance today just to try to sell a hour service call.

...for the price of?
pricing projects like this, over the phone, site unseen, will never let you make money at them...doing it this way, you are nothing more than a number. and the lowest number will win...get on site, and sell, and you can actually make money...
I always charge for any time used for the job, that includes going somewhere to pick up a raised GFCI 4 square cover or an offset nipple (a couple items I may not always have on hand). By the time you get in your truck, drive to the supply house, drive to the job (dont forget your that using fuel), carry in materials and tools (hammer drill, ext. cord, etc...) install materials, test gfci, and clean up, take tools back to truck, write up bill. It just depends what you charge per hour, 175 might sound high when you just picture a recept right next to a panel, but they dont see everything you do to make it happen, I would say stick to your guns on your price...
Just tell them to call the big chains that sell them. When they find out you're half their price they'll be happy and you'll get other work. :)
emahler said:
pricing projects like this, over the phone, site unseen, will never let you make money at them...doing it this way, you are nothing more than a number. and the lowest number will win...get on site, and sell, and you can actually make money...

Amen....eyesight through the phone doesn't work too well. Once on site my close percentage is about around 82%. Very few times, regardless of price was I told "No Thanks."
Sierrasparky said:
I have no problem letting a person know that I can do that small job like that over the phone and it will cost the minimum call + parts. I just would not drive a long distance today just to try to sell a hour service call.

Ok we get it, you'd price it over the phone but why won't you tell us how much?

For the record I'd probably give them a price of $275 ish and likely not get the job and never give it another thought.
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