You are right.
There are two popular models on the market. The regular small charger that you can plug into a regular 120 volt outlet --but will take the whole night --around eight to twelve hours to achieve a full charge from an almost depleted EV.
The fast charging model will take around four hours for a full charge. The OCPD required for this model is 40 Amps. The load (nameplate) is rated 32 Amps.
So, considering continuous load 32 x 1.25 = 40.
There is no higher rated yet on the market.. . .not even the Tesla X Sports Model as far as I know.
Most chargers are adjustable e.g. from low charge to high charge.. . . usually in three increments
I am installing one right now. . . and its a high charge model that requires a 40 A OCPD.
All high charge models require a minimum 40 Amps, 2 Pole 240 volts.
As you stated a smaller OCPD can be installed with appropriately sized conductors.
I am doing this for a friend Pro Bono.
This is the second one I’m installing for another friend.
The downside for being a sparky.Can’t say no.
1) Depending on the size of the vehicle battery, a 120V EVSE will likely take closer to 3 days to fully charge.
2) EVSEs that deliver 48A on a 60A circuit are not uncommon. I have one. About 8 hours to fully charge.
“Fully charge” meaning from nearly depleted to 100%. In real life, the typical evening charge is more likely to start at 10% or more and stop at 80-90%.