Calculating Panel FLA: Use VFD input current or motor table FLA?

If the motor has the UL mark on the nameplate and the plate has a value for FLA, you can use that instead of the value from the table. The complication arises from running a motor on a different voltage/phase count than the drive. I'm fairly sure you can just convert P=IV to a different voltage and use sqrt(3) to convert single and dual phase and still use the motor FLA.
If the motor has the UL mark on the nameplate and the plate has a value for FLA, you can use that instead of the value from the table. The complication arises from running a motor on a different voltage/phase count than the drive. I'm fairly sure you can just convert P=IV to a different voltage and use sqrt(3) to convert single and dual phase and still use the motor FLA.
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