Hello, my two cents as usual a picture
I down loaded the free Mathematica Player Demo by Wolfram Research,Inc.
The first graph is the default graph all Rs or current are set for 1.0 and magneta or red line equals zero current.
The second graphs is currents set as close as I could get them with the sliders to 50,40 and 40 amps. which where 50,39,39 amps. and with no Pf.
The third graph is currents set as close as I could get them with the sliders to 50,40 and 40 amps. which where 50,39,39 amps. PFs. as close to .707,.866 and .707 as I could them with the sliders
which where .7, .86 and .7 these PFs are lag,lag and lead as to the OP. post.
The forth graph is currents set as close as I could get them with the sliders to 50,40 and 40 amps. which where 50,39,39 amps. PFs. as close to .707,.866 and .707 as I could them with the sliders
which where .7, .86 and .7 these PFs are lead,lead and lag backwards as to the OP. post.
Click here to see Graphs
Hey everybody
Sorry about that seems like I ran everyone off from this thread.
But if anyone is interested in the graphics above you can download the interactive player here.
Did anyone examine the pictures I might have gotten the lead and lag currents backwards
if so sparkys answer was wrong?