California NM-B outer jacket color question

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For the life of me I cannot make sense of that post.
480sparky means that if the installer is required to ensure that even a short section of wire like a pigtail shows all the printed information required by 310.120, then pigtails may end up 40" long, which is impractical.

Cheers, Wayne
480sparky means that if the installer is required to ensure that even a short section of wire like a pigtail shows all the printed information required by 310.120, then pigtails may end up 40" long, which is impractical.

Cheers, Wayne

I understood that part, that was clear.:roll:

How it related to my post is a mystery.
The NEC says the conductor must be marked but does not says the marked portion must be installed. Besides the the conductors in the NM cable do not have any marking on them.

I don't see what the issue is by installing an older cable that is in a good shape.

The OP's NM cable has been used for many many years and did not create any issue. But now it will create an issue just because it is not rated per NEC????

I would install it and move on to the next job.
Because that NM is no longer acceptable and Al posted the code section already.

But..... what are the possible side effects of installing it besides it is "Not code compliant"?

I am trying to be logical and practical. IMO, it is not a life safety issue or any fire hazard.

This reminds me of the EMT water tight couplings/connectors. The old ones worked fine for many years and now we have to install the new stuff. Besides the conductors inside the conduit are "W" rated anyway. Go figure.

Then again I agree with you it is "No longer acceptable" but I am sure everyone including yourself use good judgement and sometimes do electrical work that is "Not acceptable" but we know it is safe and will not cause any damage.
Thank you.

Waiting for the rain to stop and I'll dig it out.

I think it's NM-B, but it's been so long I can't recall, except $50/500'

I bought all they had figuring I could "unsheath" and use it for pigtailing. About the time AFCI's came out.
If OP bought it about time AFCI's came out, it is likely NM-B. I think NM-B has been required since at least 1990 or so, maybe even a little longer then that.

I think NM-B was about all that was available as new stuff sometime in mid 80's but NEC may not have required NM-B only until a few years later.
If OP bought it about time AFCI's came out, it is likely NM-B. I think NM-B has been required since at least 1990 or so, maybe even a little longer then that.

I think NM-B was about all that was available as new stuff sometime in mid 80's but NEC may not have required NM-B only until a few years later.

It is in fact. Thank you for everyone's replies.

The poster re: the wire inside not being marked is correct as well.

Unfortunately, the two spools are 14ga, which explains why I've had it so long; however, I did find a dozen 250' 12-2 and 12-3 I got along with them :eek:)

Good call on the timing Kwired. I distinctly remember "learning" about AFCI's in Resi when I was "helping out a buddy" and looking dumbfounded at the inspector saying "AFC what? in bedrooms"
PITA, didn't make multi wire branch afci circuit breakers had to pull single . . . I'll save the rant.
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