~Autocorrect is My Worst Enema.~
- Occupation
- E
When Virginia only had local test the hardest test I took was the City of Alexandria, they allowed you to bring any books you wanted. Their position was you would have those same books in your office when faced with problems why not have them with you for the test. And this was a long, hard, mentally physically draining test.
One of the easiest test did not allow any books.
open book code tests are the hardest.
my apprenticeship class was complaining they wanted open book code quizzes.
just for grins, i opened the book ten times at random, pulling something way
deep in a section, exception #3(a) type of stuff, and then wrote a question
that could only be answered by exactly that piece of verbiage.
gave the questions with the answer key to the instructor, and he gave them
out next class. we all took it.
i got the best score, with 80%. i forgot where two of the answers were at... :dunce:
most scores were 20 or 30 percent. people screamed like mashed cats, and
no further request was made for open book anything. an open book test can
be easily made unpassable by anyone.
then there was the complaint that the grading was too hard... so the instructor
made the next test on a curve.... blind luck would have it, i showed up for class
half drunk, and the other half high, and blind guessed a 97%. pegged the curve
right at the top.