
Learn the NEC with Mike Holt now!


  • I carry a camera and use it every day.

    Votes: 15 24.6%
  • I carry a camera, but only use it when I see something photo-worthy.

    Votes: 29 47.5%
  • I carry a camera, but rarely use it.

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • I don?t have one, but I?m looking to get one soon.

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • I don?t have, or need, a camera.

    Votes: 2 3.3%

  • Total voters
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JohnJ0906 said:
Amazing the work we do because another trade cannot be trusted to do their job properly.

Yep, I hardly ever leave wires in the wall for future lights, etc... I've gone back to jobs and found vanity lite wires in a closet instead of the bathroom, Tstat wires always get pinched behind the drywall, etc. :rolleyes: I dont know what trade is worse, the insulators, or the drywallers ?
JohnJ0906 said:
Amazing the work we do because another trade cannot be trusted to do their job properly.

I just did a job where I asked the guys installing the plastic/fiberglass paneling in the commercial kitchen to let me rotozip all the boxes, they screwed up everything they touched, and I didnt want them to mangle my wires. i just asked them to make a center hole over each box and I did the rest, and I marked the floor for locations also...
I don't think alot of guys, need a camera, with electrical installation.
Now I'm not going againest anything said so far, truely.

Its great for all the things mentioned, record copy, where installed, what where, when, sure!

But really should workers have to take a picture of a correct installation ?
I can truely relate to the misunderstood part of an install and hey this cases a question. If something that complex comes up shouldn't that well be discussed and applied correctly before being required to be fixed?

I dragged the camera in to take the pictures, (with updates today) theres not a camera (company owned) on site.

I truely beleive its a great application, thanks for sharing your pictures, and your thoughts. :smile:

I've voted with 4.
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stickboy1375 said:
Did they question this request? Or did they already know they sucked? :grin:

there was alot of tension on this job between all the trades and these yahoos, they just told me to "Knock yourself out..." it was less work for them.
I'm all for the education, enlightment, and long thoughts that this forum presents.

I had to work yesterday and missed that thread. Thanks.

Its scarey what photo's do get shown :( keep it up, theres a running tally on photo bucket... keep them coming... :wink:
I would love to take a camera w/me when going out to quote projects, etc.
We do 100% industrial work and all have a policy against bringing in cameras. Most even remind us that the cameras on cell phones cannot be used. The enforcement of these policies is somewhat uneven, but if the wrong person sees you taking pictures then it can raise a huge stink.

It is understandable why they don't want everyone snapping pictures but it sure would make it easier for vendors quoting work at their facility.
LarryFine said:
Back-charge us??? :cool: For doing their job?

I agree.

I never have been backed charged to having to "correct" someone else's problem. It's not my fault if there are holes to patch, nail pops, or repainting to be done.

I'm also don't think that I should have to do more work to assist them in doing their's by marking where they are supposed to cut holes.
hardworkingstiff said:
I would not accept a backcharge in that scenario.

Neither would I. Its not us covering up the boxes. The drywall contractor gets paid to cut the boxes out, and if they don't, they didn't do their job. I once had over 30 boxes covered on a single job. Me and my helper (I was working for another contractor at this time) took out all the drywall below 36" in the house (about 1200 sq. ft.). I was in a rage :mad: , so that's why all the drywall came out. ;) we had 5 houses in a row that were all exactly the same. The first house had maybe 4 boxes covered, then add a couple more on the next and so on; by the 4th house they had almost 20 covered. I guess they thought I didn't mind going behind them and cutting out what they missed. Anyway, there was no backcharge to us for that incident.

As far as paint marking; I did it on that plastic box job I did a few weeks ago. The trim carpenter used orange to mark all of the studs so I used blue to mark boxes. I put a 'dot' in front of every low recep box, and two dots indicated a switch or high recep box. Metal boxes can be uncovered with a magnet.
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