Can a 200A Breaker Be a Service Disconnect

We don't have that code requirement here, whats the advantage to an Emergency disconnect vs just a service disconnect outside?
We don't have that code requirement here, whats the advantage to an Emergency disconnect vs just a service disconnect outside?
Not much of an advantage. If the EM disconnect is not service equipment then you only need 3 conductors between it and the panel. Also if the panel is on the inside then the GEC's can land there instead of in the disconnect on the outside. This is convenient for service upgrades where all of the GEC's are already on the inside and therefore would not need to be extended by irreversible means to the outside.
I think it’s a ridiculous concept. If that’s the case, there are going to be a lot of problems out there. Non-fused disconnects are only rated 10kA, so in his interpretation everywhere that has 14kA or 22kA available cannot have an EM disconnect ???? How is he going to solve that problem?
Tell him to read all of 230.85.
I just read it and can’t understand part of it.

230.85 (B) disconnects. Each disconnect shall be one of the following:
(1) Service disconnect
(2) a meter disconnect integral to the meter mounting equipment not marked as suitable for only use service equipment installed in accordance 230.82
(3) other listed disconnect, switch, or circuit breaker that is marked suitable for use as service equipment, but not marked as suitable only for use as service equipment, installed on the supply side of each service disconnect.

Info note 2: equipment marked “ suitable only for use as service disconnect” includes the factory marking “ service disconnect”

Seems a little contradictory. It shall be a service disconnect and then also can’t be equipment with the marking service disconnect.
I just read it and can’t understand part of it.

230.85 (B) disconnects. Each disconnect shall be one of the following:
(1) Service disconnect
(2) a meter disconnect integral to the meter mounting equipment not marked as suitable for only use service equipment installed in accordance 230.82
(3) other listed disconnect, switch, or circuit breaker that is marked suitable for use as service equipment, but not marked as suitable only for use as service equipment, installed on the supply side of each service disconnect.

Info note 2: equipment marked “ suitable only for use as service disconnect” includes the factory marking “ service disconnect”

Seems a little contradictory. It shall be a service disconnect and then also can’t be equipment with the marking service disconnect.
It only has to meet 1 of those 3 requirements. If it’s a service disconnect, #1 is met so the rest doesn’t matter.
I just read it and can’t understand part of it.

230.85 (B) disconnects. Each disconnect shall be one of the following:
(3) other listed disconnect, switch, or circuit breaker that is marked suitable for use as service equipment, but not marked as suitable only for use as service equipment, installed on the supply side of each service disconnect.
If it's marked as suitable for use only as service equipment it cannot be used as an EM disconnect that is not service equipment.
If it's marked as suitable for use only as service equipment it cannot be used as an EM disconnect that is not service equipment.
But informational note 2 elaborates on that marking and clarifies that a marking of “service disconnect” qualifies as “suitable for use only as service equipment”.
Thanks! I’m definitely not going to tell him that, lol, but is there anything specific that states it?
The words circuit breaker are explicitly mentioned as long as they're suitable for use as service equipment. I've used the Eaton 200 CB's.

230.85 Emergency Disconnects.
For one- and two-family dwelling units, all service conductors shall terminate in disconnecting means having a short-circuit current rating equal to or greater than the available fault current, installed in a readily accessible outdoor location. If more than one disconnect is provided, they shall be grouped. Each disconnect shall be one of the following:
(3) Other listed disconnect switches or circuit breakers on the supply side of each service disconnect that are suitable for use as service equipment and marked as follows:
Markings shall comply with 110.21(B)
But informational note 2 elaborates on that marking and clarifies that a marking of “service disconnect” qualifies as “suitable for use only as service equipment”.
You cannot use something marked suitable for use only as service equipment as the EM disconnect (not service equipment) because the EM is not service equipment.
Watch the wording carefully.

Item 1 is self explanatory, it is a service disconnect and is so marked by the factory.

Item 3 is all equipment that we have typically used as service disconnects by installing a bonding jumper, like a green grounding screw. This equipment has a SUSE label which says Suitable for Use As a Service Equipment. Notice how the SUSE label does not contain the word "only".
Watch the wording carefully.

Item 1 is self explanatory, it is a service disconnect and is so marked by the factory.

Item 3 is all equipment that we have typically used as service disconnects by installing a bonding jumper, like a green grounding screw. This equipment has a SUSE label which says Suitable for Use As a Service Equipment. Notice how the SUSE label does not contain the word "only".
I see. So Info note is saying if the equipment say “service disconnect only” or something similar not to use it. I gotcha thank you.