Big issue that came from some of this new requirement for an emergency disconnect is related to existing equipment and upgrades and the added language that became confusing. There was some language that was added that allowed for the continuation of a 3 wire (L-L-N) to an existing main distribution panel that was the service panel. This must meet some specific criteria.
Under normal conditions every panel (subpanel) after the service panel had to be 4 wire (L-L-N-G). Now as far as your particular installation What were the conditions of the installation? Was the meter main breaker listed to be a load break (or switch rated) disconnect? Most every one is but just asking. Is this a fully new installation? Might be calling out not having the 4th wire between the first overcurrent device and a feeder/distribution/branch circuit panel. Where is the GEC connected? Etc. All can influence the inspectors opinion of the installation.