Can a 200A Breaker Be a Service Disconnect

That is exactly what I was addressing in post 24. If you utilize any of the branch breaker spaces in that, how can the inside panel contain the "service disconnect" and still be aligned with NEC definitions?
I can think of a few situations to ponder with 230.85, its not adopted here so I have never given it much thought.
It basically allows a the multi grounded neutral (MGN) system or (TN-C) to be extended past the first means of disconnect (now called an emergency disconnect).
Those extra breakers could possibly be for
A dwelling on a property with some accessory structures, using 230.40 Exception No. 3 you could normally run a set of service conductors (TN-C / MGN) to each detached structure from a single service drop, set of overhead service conductors, set of underground service conductors, or service lateral, I don't read anything stopping you from using those breakers for that, though I probably missed it? You'd essentially be mixing 230.85 & 230.40 Exception No. 3. Thought from the panel you'd still need a 4-wire feeder (TN-C-S)
Another situation to ponder would be using one of those breaker positions as line side connection for PV system, NEC 705.11 vs 705.12
Thought from the panel you'd still need a 4-wire feeder (TN-C-S)
Do you mean the feeder to the inside panel, to any other outside loads, or to both?

Are you saying that the main breaker in a feed-thru cannot be the emergency disco?