Can EMF harm your health?

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Senior Member
Re: Can EMF harm your health?


Of the documentation you have reviewed have any of them included other environmental conditions? I attended an lecture in '94 by a prof from the University of Pennsylvania. One of the things he stated in their findings was the cases of cancer in high EMF areas were also in heavy industrial sites were air quality could be an issue.


karl riley

Senior Member
Re: Can EMF harm your health?

Brian, gwz2, Tony:

Brian, wouldn't a simple switch to the inverter be the simplest solution? It's not used continuously or while driving, right?

I am halfway between Naples and Marco Island.

gwz2, cancer preceded technology. It also preceded smoking. And PCBs.
The research simply shows an increase related to 4+mG of power frequency magnetic fields.

My experience and that of other EMF consultants is that most exposure to elevated AC magnetic fields is caused by wiring errors. Specifically the paralleling of neutral current from load to service entrance, either by connection to grounding paths or to other branch circuit neutrals. Fields from currents on water pipes due to required grounding plays a lesser but sometimes important role.

So why not correct the errors, or not make them in the first place? The possible health benefit is extra.

Tony, there has been a lot of money spent in trying to find an alternative explanation for the leukemia rise. No other factor has been able to explain the rise. Your professor evidently did not study the literature, since the main studies were not done in industrial areas but in residential neighborhoods.

Anyone who has not attended a 4-day scientific conference has no idea how thoroughly all possible alternative explanations are looked into. Utility men attend these conferences also and are looking for other explanations if they can find them.

I always liked the question periods, where the tough questions are hashed out.



Senior Member
Re: Can EMF harm your health?

Karl I grew up (Well I tried LOL :eek: ) About 70 Miles east of where you are, at at Pinecrest, On a road called Loop Road (St. Rd.94) off US41 , It's on most Florida maps. Right Dead in the middle of the Everglades.


Re: Can EMF harm your health?

If anyone is wondering my IP adress or just who I am. My website is

[MODERATOR'S NOTE: The link to Humble's web site has been removed. We don't permit links to business sites - it's too much like advertising. Anyone who wants to know the web site can send Humble a Private Message or try an Internet search engine.]

I am no one else.



[ December 09, 2003, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: charlie b ]

karl riley

Senior Member
Re: Can EMF harm your health?

Wayne A (Hurk):
That must have been a great place for a kid to grow up, with all that sky and water and alligators and birds.



Senior Member
Re: Can EMF harm your health?

Yes it was. There was so much to do after I got use to it. Also the alligators wern't much of a problem as we would just through a big rock in the rock pit and they would go to the other end. In the seven years living there nobody ever got bit swiming in the rock pit. but I had a 10' john boat with a 3.5 air cooled sears motor. and had the whole glades to roam and fish. Those cannals go on for ever. lol

karl riley

Senior Member
Re: Can EMF harm your health?

Mike P.,
I went to those links and read enough to idnetify it as a highly biased site. Sounds authoritative unless you have actually been following the research in detail.

That's the problem with the "controversy". You have to know who is reporting honestly and who is engaged in spin control.


karl riley

Senior Member
Re: Can EMF harm your health?

Mike, I only reacted to what I read, not to a institution name.

It would take a lot of investigation work to dig out what a company's or institution's policy was towards any particular issue. And what they funded and who they hired to conduct it. For starters, one could find out just who exactly wrote that summary of EMF effects. And what were the guidelines they were told to follow. And who created those guidelines.

This issue involves big bucks. It is potentially much more threatening than the research on tobacco effects. Which is why it is very healthy that the research is worldwide. Sweden, for instance, does not have as many of these pressures as a scientist in the US has.

I think the California Dept of Health and Human Services $7 million review of the health effects literature is probably the most unbiased document. They presented all findings to a stakeholder advisory group, representing all the factions with vested interests, and hash it out with them. This laborious process went on for years. I sat in on many of these meetings and understood where everyone was coming from.

As I said, if we wire according to NEC, 70% of the elevated fields in buildings are eliminated. The rest is mostly from power lines. Appliances play a very small role in total exposure, as careful funded studies have shown.

If this is too simple, so be it.



Re: Can EMF harm your health?

Interesting Posts,

I have been away.
I see that some are wondering if I and AWWT are the same person. I am not AWWT. But Awwt, if you are concerned about these site that you went to and find youself not able to get the support you need here under this topic heading at this site, then do not be surprised. Anything that is, "Out of the box" as far as society is concerned is considered bleeding edge technology. In other words, You will probably not get paid for it and most people will not want to hear it. It is a threat to our industry as it stands. The people here are great! They may poke a little fun but they have been a big help to me. It is not different than working at shipyards or factories. everyone just wants to have a little fun as this work can be so intense. You can email me if you like and we'll talk. In my opinion, and i am sorry that I did not assert myself earlier, the threat is real. Now, what to do about it? I have no idea. I'm still using my lights, stove Etc.
Hope this helps AWWT
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