Can I pass a generator feed wire thru a subpanel??

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Hi there, Sorry about the topic, but I can't seem to sum this up neatly in one sentence.

The situation is that I'm installing a new "Spa" panel on the outside of my house. 50A in an 8-space main lug Siemens box. Will feed a 30A 2-pole, a 20A 2-pole, and a 20A single pole breakers. While I'm doing this, I'm going to install an inlet box for my generator. The input for that is in a different subpanel in my basement, which is next to the main panel. The subpanel has interlocking main breakers to run on the genset without feeding back into the grid. (And yes- both subs will have/will have an unbonded separate neutral bar :) ).

Anyhow, I have to come through an 18" stone wall to run my conduit. Instead of core drilling 2 holes for 3/4" or 1" PVC conduit (3 #6 and a #8 ground in each), I'm wondering whether I could just use one 1 1/4" SCH40 conduit to house both. I'd run the lines from the gen feed of the basement subpanel and the 50A circuit for the spa gear (off of the main panel) to a j-box on my basement wall. The box would have a 1 1/4" hub attached to the conduit going through the wall and proceeding into the spa subpanel. I'd pull six #6 THHN and 2 #8 ground from the J-Box connections into the spa subpanel, with the 4 spa service feed wires terminating in their proper spots in the spa panel, and the other 4 gen feed wires proceeding directly out into another (3/4") conduit which would then attach to the generator inlet box about a foot below the spa panel.

Not sure that it matters it all, but if I was clean enough in my description (likely not!), the generator would not ever be supplying power to the spa panel. The genny only feeds the basement subpanel and its 16 circuits, and the spa panel will hang off the main panel. The only reason for doing this is to avoid drilling another 18" hole, and also allowing the exterior wall to look a little "cleaner", with only one conduit thru the wall. Aside from the generator inlet, the spa panel would feed a 1" flex line feeding the spa (it has separate circuits for the heater and pump, unfortunately) and 1/2" PVC feeding an outlet box (as required within proxmiity of the spa by code).

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