Can I run power from panel to attic for additional circuits this way?

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New member
sacramento, ca.
I have a house with the 200 amp panel mounted to an outside wall. I would like to run 2-4 new circuits up to the attic.
Coming through the back of the panel isn't practical as the holes in the back are pretty full and it backs up to a finished wall. I need the new romex to wind up in the attic anyway.
The panel itself has many open spots for breakers and is not overloaded. I just don't want to add more load to the existing circuits.
They are not technically maxed out, but I want to be very safe.

There is an eve vent directly above the panel, aprox 2' away. I would like to use 2" sched 80 pvc and put an LB from the side of the panel and go up and where it meets the vent, put in a 45 degree fitting that would go through the vent into the attic about a foot to run the new romex through. Maximum of 4 #12 most likely 2 or 3. After it's in the attic, run it as the existing is.

Can I do this and if not what would be the proper method & materials to go up from the side of the box into the attic?

Thank You for the help, I'm not looking to cut corners, just want a correct trouble free job.
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