Iwire, I believe what I believe from personal experience. Working with fall protection takes more than just putting on a harness and hooking a lanyard to a handy tie off point. The activity needs to be planned, including having a partner with a rescue plan in the event the fall protection is called on to do it?s job. I have seen guys hook their lanyard to a waist D-ring, a back breaker in the event of a fall. These are intended for positioning at a work location, not fall protection. I have seen people in an articulation lift tied off with a 12? lanyard, which allows them to be thrown out of the basket, when the proper length would have prevented them being thrown out. I have seen people hooking up their fall protection, and when asked what they are going to do if they fall and are just hanging there. The answer is frequently ?I don?t know.? As for rescue in 10 min. a half hour is not going to hurt you.