Local inspector failed job because I striped Romex and changed over to flexible nonmetallic conduit for a few feet to an AC Disconnect. He stated the insulation value of romex can never be installed in conduit or flexible conduit. My question was to him “that means every electrician that puts a plug on a concrete wall of a basement with a change over connector and a 4’ piece of emt to a mulbury is in violation and he said yes. That would mean every change over connection is against code, find that hard to believe. Thanks in advance for your opinion....
You are both wrong on some things. Here is the deal (some of this has been stated by others, bit just summarizing:
1. NM Inners are not marked as required and we don't even know what they are, so you cant use them as single conductors. Yes we have to strip it in panelboards and in boxes to terminate, but you have to draw the line somewhere.
2. NM cannot be used in damp locations and an exterior raceway is a damp location. You didn't specifically say this was outside but I am assuming it is.
3. NM CAN be used in an exterior box. The restriction in #2 is for raceways.
4. NM can be installed in conduit in dry locations as long as fill is met.