Not in my experience. Four years ago I bought the Milwaukee fat pack with an 18v hammerdrill, sawzall (hatchet), flashlight, circular saw, radio.
The radio is sitting under my desk at the moment, as my computer speakers. The circular saw is still good, but I never hardly use it so no big surprises there. The flashlight croaked PDQ after buying the kit. The sawzall I use on a regular basis, and has held up very well, no complaints with that.
The drill was stronger than it's case or transmission could handle. I used that drill for about two years, and it spent a few weeks at the repair shop in that time. I am fairly gentle with my tools, and it couldn't handle me.
Today I went to use a coworker's 18v Li-Ion sawzall, and it was dead. He grumbled about the battery life in it, said he'd never buy another again. Of course, if my sawzall is any indication, that saw is going to bother him until he leaves the trade.