True, but for solving problems in the field that kind of turns into treating the symptoms and not the problem.
Do you suggest we change 110.3 to be able to use these fittings together, or should we look at the listing requirements and see what changes may be needed to either the product itself or the listing requirements?
I would check the product and make changes to it if it needs it. Or if it is a bonding issue then put an exception such as "if an EGC is installed then EMT fittings can be used with conduit bodies". Or maybe provide the installer explanation as to why EMT fittings can't be used with conduit bodies, so we can make a educated judgment.
I don't know, sometimes these technicalities drives me nuts. At the time of bidding you don't know which way to bid the job. Use the correct product so one doesn't violate the UL listing which in turn drives the cost up or take a chance and bid and install to the way you have been doing for the last 20 years and hope the inspector is not extremely picky.