Capping neutrals

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LarryFine said:
Yeah, but only when there's more than one. ;)

Well, if not, you could put an eye out with an uncapped single grounding conductor.

I have been meaning to ask, is Larry Fine really your name? Larry Fine was the stage name of a vaudeville violinist Louis Feinburg and one of my favorite actors from the days of black and white. He co-starred with Harry Moses Horwitz and Samuel Horwitz in an very intellectual and thought provoking series that lasted many years. I credit some of my best prose to emulating the works of Feinburg and Horwitz and also try to behave in the manner they made famous in early films on the job. Interestingly enough, Horwitz took class in an electrical shop but dropped out to pursue acting. Both Horwitz and Feinburg passed away in 1975.

Together, with some other co-stars they had a quite prolific carreer and made around 190 films. I have seen most of them and relish the opportunity to see an new one. Aside from being the best entertainment of recent and past times, their films are a very interesting look into the past. Anyone that prides themselves with even a modicum of intellectuality should experience their works as an enlightening addition to intellectual nirvana.
K8MHZ said:
I have been meaning to ask, is Larry Fine really your name?
It is, indeed, and I'm still kickin'.


I rarely cap on a rough-in (res) Just don't strip the wires and push them back in the box. Everything else I do though gets a wire nut (no tape) on it except bare EGC's.:smile:
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